Email view

This page is where you view your mail.


The default headers shown are Date, From, To and Subject. If defined, Importance and Sensitivity are also shown. You can view the all of the headers of the email in totally unparsed form by clicking the All link on the right handside. Assuming there are To or Cc headers you will be able to add the addresses in these headers to your addressbook should you wish to by clicking the contact icon or the right hand side of the address.


Any attachments will be shown beneath the headers. Each attachment will have options to either view or download it, or both. Viewing will cause V-webmail to try and show it, whereas downloading will cause V-webmail to try and force a download. The success of both of these are somewhat browser dependent. Some attachments will also have a "View as text" option, which can be useful for viewing textual attachments which do not have the correct mime type. Attached messages will popup a new window with the message displayed simialr to a normal message. You can reply/forward etc these attached messages as you would a normal message, however when you do the popups will close automatically.


A number of actions are available to you. these are:

Enables you to reply to the sender. The sender is determined by the Reply-To, Sender, From and Return-Path headers in that order.

Enables you to reply to all people who received the message as well as the sender.

Allows you to forward the message to another recipient. If this message has Sensitivity set to something other than normal, you will be warned about performing this action.

Allows you to forward the message as a whole attached to a new email. If this message has Sensitivity set to something other than normal, you will be warned about performing this action.

Allows you to delete this message. Where you are redirected depends on the setting in email preferences, it being either next/previous message or back to the mailbox list.

This option is only available for messages from mailing lists which set the List-Reply header. Instead of replying to the sender, it will allow you to reply directly to the mailing list address.

This option is only available for messages from mailing lists which set the List-Unsubscribe header. It takes you to the Compose screen with the list unsubscription address set as the recipient. It will also add the word "Unsubscribe" to the subject and body in case this is necessary for this mailing list.

View email as Raw
This option will open a popup window with the email source available for viewing. This is not advisable for large messages as it will effectively download the entire message to your browser.

View email as XML
This option provides a simple XML representation of the message.

View email as Printable
This option will popup a window with the message displayed, but without the surrounding options/links, suitable for printing.


The body of the email. Quoted sections (lines beginning with ">") will be highlighted in green, and signatures (everything after a sig separator "-- ").