Mailbox Listing

This is the main screen of V-webmail, where the currently selected mailboxs' contents are displayed. The two main parts to the screen are the navigation bar, and the email list.

Navigation bar

This is common throughout V-webmail, and will be the primary method of getting around the application. From the left the links are:

This takes you straight to the INBOX.

This takes you to the compose page.

This takes you to the search page.

This takes you to the folder management page. This is only available if you are using an IMAP account.

This takes you to the preferences screen. If you're using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher you can right-click this link to get a shortcut menu.

This takes you to the addressbook.

Brings you here.

View icons
These control the visibility of the left folder frame. These are only available if you are using an IMAP account.

Logs you out of V-webmail and returns you to the login screen.

Mail list

Here you have the main list of email and all the options to manipulate them. The folder list on the left can be used to jump to folders, the order by on the right can be used to reorder the listing. The current folder is shown both in the folder dropdown (unless you're viewing multiple folder search results), and just underneath in bold. The links on the right underneath the order by dropdown can be used to apply any message rules you've defined, poll external mail accounts and clear the cache. This cache simple stores the summary information of the mail listing, to reduce load on the mail server and also keep things ticking along nice and fast. This link should not need to be used often at all as V-webmail will automatically clear the cache if the number of messages changes.

The mail list itself shows the email date, from, subject and size and also the messages' flags on the left hand side (delete, flagged, answered, draft and whether the email has attachments). The attachments flag may not be 100% accurate. Unread emails will be displayed in bold/italic by default (though this can be configured). With Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher you can right click the email to get a shortcut menu of options, the from address, and also the black "Select All" triangle. The email shortcut menu has a few quirks, in that the Delete and Mark As... options apply to all emails currently select as well as the well clicked. The Delete option will show how many emails the actions will apply to if this is the case.